Relay for Life …STOP thinking and START doing

Relay for Life – June 13, 2014 – Support Team “Stand Sure” This year I am participating in the Relay for Life, an event hosted by the Canadian Cancer Society. My extended family has experienced the heart-wrenching impact of cancer. … Continue reading

The Art of Grocery Shopping with Three Kids…and no I don’t use an iPad

The Art of Grocery Shopping with Three Kids…and no I don’t use an iPad…because I don’t have one! Things you just have to accept: One or more children will yell, scream or sing loudly during the grocery trip. There will … Continue reading

Dear Beautiful Daughters

Dear Beautiful Daughters

Dear my Beautiful Daughters,

When Kyla had just turned 4 and Kailey was 19 months, Mommy was told some very unfortunate news.  You both were too young to fully understand how significant this was for our family, but one day we will share with you how much love and support we received and how this changed our lives forever.

 The Story

In 2005, I received chemotherapy and radiation for a type of cancer called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.   Unfortunately, on August 13, 2013, 7 ½ years after finishing my treatment, I was told that my cancer had relapsed.  That day I was at work caring for other cancer patients finding it hard to look into their faces and support them dreading the news that I feared was coming.  At 4:15 pm, I was paged by my Hematologist, and at that moment my life shattered.  In a split second, I went from being a…

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